Prognosis Negative

The court documents that they are referring to are statements that Mia Farrow made during the divorce proceedings, statements that contradict everything that she said prior to the divorce. There are plenty of quotes where Mia Farrow states explicitly that Allen spent little time in the house with the older six kids

Who exactly do you think I am? What gave you the impression that I’d ever be in a position to look Dave Chappelle in the face and talk to him for any reason whatsoever, let alone to explain a comment I made on AVClub? But if I did ever meet him and he had for some reason read this article, and read my comment, and

I get that Hanks is drawing a distinction between what was acceptable in the past versus the, uh, “modern realm of authenticity.” But I don’t think Philadelphia would have been better served by (almost) any other actor, whatever their sexual orientation. Not in acting ability alone, but also in terms of cultural

“With Chapelle it’s deliberate and intentional”

fundamentally I know it’s wrong to “cancel” someone for their views. But I feel that applies more to when people simply make missteps or ask the wrong question or didn’t have the education to say something educated.

So, another show where people freak their shit over absolutely nothing but this time they’re gay?

SERIOUSLY?!? Kenan Thompson is the longest tenured cast member; he’s heading into his 20th year. Put some respeck on his name.

And the four Yang mentioned are HARDLY “the best to ever do it.” Kate McKinnon went from playing wacky characters to playing “Kate McKinnon dressed up as a wacky character.” Pete Davidson was

I told all the women YOUR comment and now they all want to sleep with YOU.

Assume this was meant to be a reply to me?

Him being pickpocketed by Huell’s what led him to realize what Walt did. Anyway I have the opposite reactions. The Jesse realization was something I bought and was into, while the Brock poisoning was something I kept expecting them to elaborate on.

Some validity here, but consider that there’s no reality where Lalo just made a beeline from his manhole to the interior of Jim & Kim’s apartment. The fact that he’s been living in a sewer speaks to how patient he’s willing to be to exact his revenge.

I think the ones you talk about in the BB finale are hand-waved to a reasonably satisfying degree. For Skylar, it’s explained that Walt’s called in a bunch of fake tips/false sightings to distract the police before he sees her. For the machine gun, there’s a moment where the Nazi tells him to park a certain way and he

You almost never know who the opening act is for a comedy show and sometimes you don’t like that act.

Keep practicing, you’ll get it sooner or later 

This really felt like a season of stand alone episodes not just because of the anthology interludes but even the ones focusing on the main trio lacked a clear through line. I really thought this episode would pull it all together, it’s a shame that it didn’t because as enjoyable as many of the episodes were. It does

I wore out on McKinnon, she’s really talented but has really been hitting the same notes over and over the last couple years. Hopefully a change will revive her creatively. Bryant got better and better and I hope she gets a lot of opportunities to shine. Mooney was... well. I’ve liked him in other things, I enjoyed

This season was a complete and total waste of the talents of Brian Tyree Henry, LaKeith Stanfield, Zazie Beetz, and Hiro Murai. It tried so incredibly hard to be clever and format breaking and out there that it completely forget to be any good at all.

I’m mixed on it. For everything I liked (Skarsgaard, the stale bread) there was something I didn’t (the fake accent got annoying, the pee thing went way too long). Some of the writing was funny in spots, (get the package! *smashes vase* The other vase! And just pick it up. *museum guy facepalms*), and it had a sweet

Afro surrealism season was.. Fine? I guess. But it wasn't funny or fun. Great lessons learned and twilight zone-esque takes on race in America but it just was so fuckin heavy after the last 4 yrs that I found it hard to be enjoyable. Finally seeing reviews, not just here, talk about how hilarious some of these

It’s wrong coming from anyone, IMO.