
“Cooperating with the police in this geo-political climate? Yikes!”

I got a new kitty! Picked him up from the shelter and he was very sick. Trying to nurse him back to health. He’s the SWEETEST fucking cat I’ve ever seen.

Just elaborating on Powell Motor’s idea.

Had a heart transplant Thursday morning. Already feeling a million times better but know the next couple months are going to be tough. I also broke my phone the day before and unfortunately it wasn't a great repair job. Oh well don't even care!

I wish I could look this good asleep...

So, just checking here, but Coffee Cunt and it’s bakery division Streusel Snatch are still ok right?

Beyonce has *really* got to stop plagiarizing other people’s creations without attribution or permission. I don’t care who you are, this is never ok.

AI likes laughing at us.

I content America’s favorite vegetable is cabbage. Since cabbage, collards, kale, kohlrabi, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli (including romanesco and “Chinese broccoli”) are all just cultivars of Brassica oleracea.

Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley look like celebrity name typos.

Just wanna show off what I finished up this week :) The red book panel went to my nephew’s wonderful teacher who did so much to help him learn to read this year and the blue book panel is going up on Etsy!

Lot of Toyotas about an old Dodge Ram Charger? Quick Hemmings search shows an 85 for just under 15k.

Just here to tell Stef, that these aren’t chickens.

50% of people in the US between 25 and 54 are women. Therefore 50% of contestants are women?

Also, I do not believe ANY form of unhealthy food product should be labeled as “high-quality”. That remark by itself deems this company to be self absorbed and egotistical.

That looks like it tastes like drinking from a puddle under a pine tree after a heavy rain. 

Nah, there are better things to do at home.

I’m just here for pictures of good dogs in the comments.

I don’t even run or jog (ow my knees), but I feel like if I had that majestic creature by my side, I would feel like I had wings on my feet and was trailing sparkles.

High school = whatever you can get
College = whatever you can get
Grown fucking man = whatever you want