Normandy looking a little iffy here...
Normandy looking a little iffy here...
Yeah, usually there are test versions and the final prod version/servers that the public sees. Sometimes bugs crop up in the final version that were never caught by QA in the test environment. In a perfect world devs and qa would have more time to test on the final setup before releasing to public. But that doesn’t…
Much as I want to believe it’s astroturf, I think there’s a large segment of people who hate to see anyone complain about something that’s not a problem for them personally. You see it with shit that actually matters, too.
As recent as Forza, I saw someone defending always-online requirements with “You’re going to be playing this at home...where you obviously have an internet connection. I fail to see why this is even a concern tbh”
No forced PvP - there are a few activities that do trigger PvP encounters or start as PvP or PvPvE, but pretty much all of them you have to intentionally get involved. Much of the game is basically cooperating against NPCs, whether those be ship convoys, fortresses, or sea beasties of a more tall tale type.
...drink spiking...
You know this article says that?
Alternate apps will need to pass Apple’s approval process, and will have to give a cut of sales to Apple. That’s not sideloading.
Not really. I was already accounting for the DLC. Base game should $40 max, DLC $10 max. If Sony wants to charge more, they should release the ports sooner.
2 year delay vs the almost 4 year delay for the port of the first game. That’s certainly an improvement. Here’s hoping the delays get reduced to 1 year eventually.
You see how this whole article is structured, right? It begins - literally the opening sentence - by acknowledging this could be an “embarrassing gap in our knowledge”, then I repeatedly mock myself for reporting 23-year-old news throughout, and then finish by mocking us again by suggesting we’ll report on a Wii egg…
She-Hulk’s writing was actually pretty brilliant. You’ve got to be able to follow along with the meta-commentary taking place of course. And also - you have to not be the target of the meta-commentary in the first place.
All taste is subjective of course.
In my view:
Punisher was fine, but not new or novel. The others you complain about being higher, many had on offer (at the very least) something most people hadn’t seen before.
She-Hulk, the early seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luke Cage, Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel and Agent Carter…
I remember when Square and Enix were different companies. When you saw one of those logos, you knew youd be getting a quality experience. I miss that.
running cover for billion-dollar companies? lmao
silence, bootlicker!
Its almost like we should just pirate everything Ubisoft (and every AAA publisher) ever makes.
“Got comfortable” and “Begrudgingly accepted the lack of alternatives” are two very different things.
I stream my PlayStation to my steam deck a few nights a week while laying in bed and it's flawless most of the time? Works exactly like the Portal. Admittedly you're missing out on the haptics, which rule on the PS5.
You could just type ‘I am a fucking idiot’ and save yourself a lot of typing.