
It doesn’t have to be allowed, but it can be. Let’s be very clear that you have not provided a single shred of evidence that nudity, especially implied nudity, causes real-world harm. That’s not entirely your fault because such evidence does not exist.

I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.

The issue is that graphic murder is okay but natural things like... nipples that we (almost) all have are somehow "wrong". This is purely an American/Puritanical concept that simply doesn't exist anywhere else. 

First: fuck that dude for dismissing your comment.

I am a bigger WW2 buff than most and I had no idea it meant that. I feel like if you aren’t a Nazi then it doesn’t mean that.

I got an auto suspension last year because of a screenshot I took while playing the The Procession to Calvary in 2021. There was no nudity in the photo, it just said the word “fuck” in the on screen text. I didn’t realize my screenshots and recordings were auto uploaded and made available to the public. I freaked out

These games weren’t announced as multiplatform and then made exclusive later.

What nuance? You named none. Call of duty is one franchise. One. We are talking about marvel and several franchises all at once. Why does it matter if it’s one studio, or 2 developing the same game franchise? Lol. You're creating nuance that absolutely doesn't exist at all. You are defending Sony and exclusivity. Idk

It combined a console, streaming device, and Blu-Ray player into the original all-in-one media player. But like Marty McFly rocking out to “Johnny B Goode” in Back to the Future, people weren’t quite ready for that. Yet.

The people who will run in with attempts at “told you so”s will ignore two major elements:

1) Even if it was the best thing ever, Microsoft did such an ATROCIOUS job explaining/marketing it, it never would have mattered. The case study of just how you could botch a console launch from every conceivable angle is

He added that Baldur’s Gate 3, a roughly 50-hour game filled with tons of player choice and branching dialogue that invites multiple playthroughs,

Your head is really going to spin when you read about BogoMips:

It was often the most wishlisted game on Steam for much of 2023. A lot of people thought a no-name development team could build a AAA open world MMO.  It didn’t help that the dev team CLEARLY LIED about what features would be in the game.

Guess you could say the folks dense enough to buy this thing were only born... The day before.

not all spending is equal. an easy example is mac and cheese. while a low income family may not be able to afford a gamepass subscription they might buy name brand kraft products because it is within their budget and kraft definitly wants to advertise to those people. 

The game was marketed as an open-world MMO and the early access release was just an extraction shooter. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean the game was a scam. A lot of games change their scope and/or structure over the course of development. We Happy Few, Fortnite, Warframe, No Man’s Sky, etc, come to mind.

Most gamers united against this game and its delusional fanbase ... to the point that I’d bet that a sizeable percentage of its purchasers were ‘hate-players’.

They should just give him a couple million. Fuck it. Let this guy build a waterpark that serves Bacardi or whatever his dream is.

Tell me you haven’t played Night Trap without telling me you haven’t played Night Trap.

Probably a feature preview for Baldur’s Gate 4(skin)