“Whoa, this Stardew Valley game looks like it’s from the Super Nintendo.......... and it won awards?”
“Whoa, this Stardew Valley game looks like it’s from the Super Nintendo.......... and it won awards?”
You think graphics are the only standard by which awards are handed out for games? How old are you?
You’re thinking of Mr Peanut
Quick Google agrees. He does not, and effectively never did, wear a monocle.
this seemed legit till we got to the Tflop number. That much of a difference would easily push the ps5 pro to $1000+ unless they have some atari jaguar math to try and bs it.
Nah, whenever Chadley’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Chadley?”
I love how much I hate this kid. The writing for him is an absolute masterclass in passive-aggression. His polite putdowns are positively Canadian-grade.
“Cloud, good news. Your failure in that previous combat challenge gave me the data needed to create an easy-baby mode!”
“Cloud, in order to study the planet, we need…
No he’s right, anyone who has delved into Elden Ring lore on youtube or reddit for more than 10 minutes knows about this shield.
The burning of the Erdtree is repeatedly referred to as a “cardinal sin” in the base game, and that’s what the shield is very clearly representing. This is a nothingburger.
Yeah, I feel like the author did a disservice to readers by not informing them that one of the known issues since launch is ““Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended”
Definitely just being used as the catch-all for the different Nintendo Switch systems currently on the market today. The much more suspicious thing, which likely does point to a hypothetical console release being moved from later this year to early next year, is the total lack of anything Pokémon-related being…
I just want to point out that “Nintendo Switch systems” doesn’t necessarily mean anything regarding the Switch 2 - there are currently three “Nintendo Switch systems”, the OG Nintendo Switch, the Nintendo Switch Lite, and the Nintendo Switch (OLED Model). This may well be a Switch 2 launch title or whatever, but this…
Must be talking about Kingsglaive because Spirits Within was a cinematic masterpiece! Ok, it wasn’t at all, but it was groundbreaking for its time, and I still loved it!
What up, it’s Barret, I AM the man. Oil, Cloud! I just found the biggest damn oil field you’ve ever seen.
I always read that pasta as “This is all I have and your choices make me feel bad.”
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn’t grow. You didn’t improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It’s sad that you don’t know the difference.
I don’t think the games really need to “communicate League of Legends.” It’s a fighting game set in Runeterra, not a fighting game set in League of Legends.
Sure, 2XKO is an atrocious name for a game, but not all of their games need to be “League of Legends: Fighting Game.”
It sucks being told by your boss that you are not working hard enough.
It sucks even more to be told that you are not working hard enough by someone who is not your boss.
It sucks more than both of those to be told by a rich celebrity that you are not working hard enough to personally make them more money.
If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest…