
Glad you added his name to the title. It’d be crazy if an article pointing out that “some black creator” is pointing out racism was also complicit in that racism

No mention of pre-existing competition is a sure giveaway the this post was sponsored. Or maybe this is their first review

I’m sorry, that’s just funny. Maybe you’re just sad?



If Disney treats their games properties anything like they treat everything else, it’s very likely not even bad, just not finished already (grounds for cancellation)

Have you ever looked at your articles or comment history? Or even your tweets?

Cover your username and then try to assess whether this person enjoys video games in any capacity. I think it’s time for a career change

No you don’t, and that’s okay. Why are you leaving this comment?

What planet is Ari from where “fighting games on handheld machines kinda suck.”

Isn’t the protagonist 17? I hesitate to even call 21 year olds “in the their 20's”. And besides, this is exactly how many girls in their late teens/early 20s speak, where have you been?

Are you surprised because you don’t think the game is very good (it is), or because you think less graphically-intensive multiplayer games aren’t a good fit for handhelds (they very much are)?

Tbf, he was only temporarily banned from Twitch for that. He got permabanned for bluffing in contract negotiations

What’s another decade without a KOTOR remake anyway? This seems like a very responsible decision tbh.

I’m sure that back in the day this game could’ve been done in 6 months by 40 devs working 23 hours a day, but today a game of that size is a way larger undertaking. Hopefully* the business heads have an idea of what

Imagine if the disagreement was because the original arangement only involved games, and games don’t exist inside Roblox anymore (according to their lawyers), just experiences, so Roblox just pocketed the license fees

I don’t know about any of that, but I do know embedded links will still, at least sometimes, display deleted tweets

These “Games journalist whines about not having enough games, while also having access to Game pass” articles are getting tiresome.

How can you say “we don’t fuck with clowns” AND continue being married to a sex offender at the same time?

Can’t you just install a more recent version yourself? Or another browser entirely? I thought the whole point of a pocket PC is the added pocketability to a PC

Wait, isn’t Zoe the one who said creepy, rapey things about Will Smith’s underage son in all those interviews?

I’m certain it has nothing to do with box office revenue, Epic probably penned a deal with limited-time license to the property because they want to (and already have done) give away the city and car assets for free. Expect to see a lot of shovelware and at least a few AAA games with that same city