Plug and play & compact enough to be mobile is THE impossible ideal. The fact that they’re tiny is a welcome side-effect but not the expressed goal of nvme ssds.
Plug and play & compact enough to be mobile is THE impossible ideal. The fact that they’re tiny is a welcome side-effect but not the expressed goal of nvme ssds.
As if ANYone else would see the connection.
You keep calling it Beyond Crisis, but no such game exists. I think you mean Before Crisis?
Count me in with the director who missed the point. Read through the article and can’t find a single articulated reason other than “he attends a homophobic church” which, like, okay? Maybe he’s like most (99.999999999%) christians and isn’t completely involved with their church’s events day to day, or knowledgeable…
Silly opinion from a silly little man
Oh, fair enough, I guess. Looking through the forum briefly, there was also apparently an issue with some mods being incompatible with the newer API
Was it really so unthinkable to have a toggle in the graphics options? Do people with graphics cards older than 2 years not get to play at all?
These all look neat, but does anyone know why the demos are time-limited?? I downloaded the Neon White demo last year(?) and didn’t get to play it because it expired (it remained in my library though, ever so helpfully)
You failed your statistics class didn’t you?
I had infinite interest in the game, and I still do.
I am completely lost for words. How are Kotaku commenters so god damn stupid?
“Does your mom know you speak like that to women online”
Where do you live? In the UK at least, The RX580 never went above 230 until late 2019/early 2020
It’s gotten so bad that I can’t even imagine these companies making any low-end cards ever again. A Radeon RX580 launched at $230 5 years ago and regularly sold for much less than that. If you want to buy it now, you have to shell out more than double the price, and get in from a reseller on a second-hand market.
Could’ve easily left out the first word in the title. Especially if the article CONTAINS the quote ““I feel it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m a Black creator, but instead (if it’s indeed true they copied me) it’s another case of creatives ripping off ideas from other creatives, which is hardly uncommon for…
If you lost your disc-tray-having console before (or after) buying games on disc, there really isn’t much anyone could do to help you out
If anyone’s getting hurt by his actions, it’s himself. The team’s underperforming regardless of whether he plays or not, so I wouldn’t put all or any of the blame on him.
Also I doubt his skill outweighs the risk assessment any other team would create in order to offer him a contract if he keeps breaking agreements…
KH3 and KH:BBS:0.2:AFP would be the easiest to port of the bunch.
The other 5 games are effectively the original game code from their original consoles run through a translation layer, which is way too much for switch hardware to handle. This was done MOSTLY in order to make the ports cheaper/lazier, but in few cases…
Speaking of Shadow of Mordor, why was the nemesis system gutted so badly in the sequel? Did they not notice the positive reception? Guess you can’t have a larger, less-focused sequel that at least builds from the previous game
Oh yeah absolutely. Never disagreed with you, both can be true. Square can owe customers a better service AND make their service better (however incrementally) at the same time