
Yes. The jump in graphics power isn’t that great this generation, at least compared to every other generation, or (more pertinently) compared to the giant leap in storage speed.

In fact, the games that will (eventually) take more than 5-15 seconds to load up are only going to be doing so to avoid gigantic app sizes. Si

What a bizarre but fascinating way to misremember the events as they transpired. Pepe wasn’t “co-opted by the alt-right”; The anti-defamation league (a racist organisation, as per their new revised defition of the word) decided it was an alt-right symbol at the hight of its popularity. Literally nobody has to listen

You’re severely underestimating the throughput these SSDs are capable of. GTAV’s *not even close* to maxing out the bandwidth available. Even if you 100x’d the load pushed through the graphics pipeline to get close to the limit, you’d hit other hardware limitations first (namely the GPU).

This comment is just mentioning the Kotaku strike. Testing something

Can you imagine if Kojima was friends with THESE award show organizers instead? Would’ve been nice

They misread the article they linked. It really is up to CDPR to add the feature, then it would work.

According to your link, you specifically DON’T have to jump through hoops to get DualSense features to work. The three or four games work natively as long as Steam isn’t messing it up

It’s so depressing to see how far Ubisoft has fallen. I remember when they were one of the greats. Like, seeing the ubisoft logo as you booted up a game was roughly equivalent to seeing A24 or Miramax before a movie began.

Ironically, KH3 and II.8 (the two newest games) would be the easiest to port natively.

The only way this could work is if they had Disney money/talent.

I would like to see this. Source?

Are you implying that the new management can read?

Man, can you imagine whoever’s running Gawker reading this? Can they even read?

Man, it’s strange to see Robert Antokol, Playtika up there at the top of the list. Was rooting for him from the very beginning.

Both Steam (always) and DS4windows (if you set it to) just translate (almost any) controller inputs to xbox controller inputs. You would have to disable both programs to experience Dual Sense/Dual Shock 4 integration if the game has it

This is all just a setup to Twitch (Amazon) partnering with their own money makers to allow Prime Video costreams only for streamers and viewers with the right region/subscription(s).

Does Cyberpunk2077's god awful hacking minigame count as a lockpick?? God knows it’s more common than the locks in a Bethesda game

Love all the commenters signalling how they definitely do not know who Amo is and have never been on Twitch in their life. You’re so much cooler than the rest of us videogame blog readers

I once used the plasma pistol and accidentally hit a fully charged shot (I’ve got terrible aim, so it was really surprising). It didn’t even break shield. Worthless garbage weapon.

I love hating on things just as much as the next guy, but I just can’t do it this time. The game is fun. Having more completely optional things to do is great, completionist or not.