Can’t wait for someone to inevitably stream themselves watching a watchparty vod
Can’t wait for someone to inevitably stream themselves watching a watchparty vod
Wrote “Pokiemane” once there
While Arcane was amazing, it’s about as anime as Into the Spider-Verse, which is to say not at all.
Also, while I really enjoyed Devilman Crybaby on Netflix, the artstyle never really clicked for me, so I don’t know how I feel about Science SARU animating it. Hoping for the best
Weird, I’m constantly on Twitter (unfortunately) and I’ve never encountered this game. Thanks for sharing
Smell ya later, dweeb
Oh man, I’ve confused my lefts and writes
If you insist on righting about this before you know the assailant’s name, at least don’t call them “the wolf”
Have you seen literally ANY figures? Sales *and profits* are through the roof for every single one of these companies. Quit chatting shit, learn to take in new information, and maybe realise you’re absurdly wrong once in a while
You sound like Luke when he talks about videogames or bitcoin
Bullying my rivals so hard that they rage themselves off the road is exactly what I’ve always wanted in a racing game.
You mentioned there being no KDA ratio twice but it’s on the results screen (second page)
Untrue. Game had a few visual glitches but was perfectly playable on day 1. The last-gen console versions were broken, and will never be fixed because the 7 year old hardware is physically incapable of running it well*. A lot of the (rightly deserved) backlash was aimed at launching those versions anyway, instead of…
In which universe is this “GOOD news for anyone who doesn’t want an all-white console”, Ari?
Seriously, what?
That reminds me, I need to check out Doom Eternal again. Did they fix the bug with the dark (black) map screen when HDR is enabled?
1. It’s on Steam. Not a year or four later, but immediately
NFT’s are quite clearly just a scam, but have you ever considered that you shouldn’t fall for the “how environmentally destructive the blockchain is” propaganda just because you saw a psyop campain on twitter
I love how ridiculously hidden this shit is. Ridiculous compared to every other game I’ve played in the last decade, not to the original (which is the only other 2D metroid I’ve played/finished). At least in this one I can press the Switch up against my nose and spot minute indicators of breakable environment thanks…
I wonder if the future Microsoft envisioned for the Xbox One with hybrid streaming/rendering (and always-online) gaming is possible yet. Surely that would lessen the need for storage considerably
World tiniest violin for the gamer who got his hands on a brand new console a year before it was ready