Kill The Bat

I saw CC approach the mound and I was mortified he was going to take me out.

Tacko Fall is also a Mexican food festival in Minneapolis this October.

Why wouldn’t teams want to take a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot with Westbrook?

The NFL's gonna review all this anyway just to be on the safe side. 

He’s joining a cult. There are religions where your take is the right take. This is not one of them.

You wrote all that, but I'd shut the door and closed the curtains one paragraph in.

I get this kind of exercise. Speaking as a Bills fan, they could’ve won four Super Bowls if they’d defeated the eventual champion.

The offense will feature a new play, 3.6 Roentgen.

+1 side of golden bags

I’m not qualified to speak on medical issues, so it sounds like I'm qualified enough to put Durant out there.

Let’s Remember Some Guise

Samer and the Deadspins is the lamest band name ever.

I wasn't speaking about teachers - and I'm getting lost in it too. It's the "no one questions when players or coaches fuck up" bit. First, that's not even close to being true, as we've all read at least three articles here. More to my point is, talking to the media helps establish "well, was this an atypical thing, or

No, I'm saying I disagree with your analogy because the group you chose has accountability, where the refs don't.

All of the other entities you mention have to be accountable to the media afterwards, though. It's not so far out of line to expect stronger scrutiny from a group that can hide behind its noncommunication.

why does it matter

While Rickey feels a little threatened, Rickey wants you to know Rickey's okay with this.

Only four months until the Fluff Festival!

Okay, but, this is just putting a hat on a hat. On a hat.
