
You can be Famous on the World Wide Web, just make something like goatse.exe...

Jerry: “It’s actually nacho cheese”

Tryin to catch me rollin curdy... That is as close as I can get to fat white guys rolling stolen wheels of cheese.

Jay Leno’s Blastolene Tank Car

I have 2 dogs... Soap & Water

Nothing an Anti Moose Grenade Launcher couldn’t solve... yeah?

In dash coffee maker?

Used to do #18 with my old VW Golf, aimed the rear squirters as far back as I could and it actually worked pretty well... I could tell it pissed them off good and proper just by looking in the rear view mirror.

Maybe I’m not commenting in the right place but it does have an Enormous Ass; when this car goes to eat at the Olive Garden it needs 2 extra wide chairs and still hangs over the edges...

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

And now we can please stop hearing about how diesel engines are dirty

Go to Panera... get your broccoli cheese soup fix... fugetaboutit.

1. M-i-c

There... fixed that shit for ya

When you say you fixed it does that mean you figured out how to make it leak oil again? Hahaha

What’s the kind that involves Peyote and toad licking... not the four mentioned above?

The wheels are the worst, I just don’t understand the rubber band style tyres.

It looks like the Honda Fit and a few others?

Red Dead?

Run really hot water on the itch until the water is so hot you can’t stand it and then when you quit the itch is usually not itchy anymore.