
Are there any cars you consider to be not fast?

Niro wouldn’t meet his “No crossovers/wagons” requirement.

My theory is that the improved visibility has given SUV/CUV drivers more chance to avoid impending collisions.

For fuck’s sake, did you even bother rereading what you read? You stated that “college has always been expensive”. No, no it hasn’t. It used to be somewhat affordable, and now it’s ungodly expensive. College costs have skyrocketed, especially compared to other expenses and wage growth.

A new 2.0 turbo Accord is not much over the $30K limit. Jalopnik has been telling us that car sales, and sedan sales in particular, have been slowing, so there might be deals to be had.

Well no, thank you actually. ;)
I had scholarships and worked my tail off (along with living at home...) to get out of college debt free. We finished paying off my wife’s last year. We’re both born in 81.
If we could just undo so much of the economic shit the boomers have saddled us with, that’d be great... I don’t

120 months isn’t a loan. It’s a goddamn mortgage on a rapidly depreciating asset. Buying such an expensive vehicle that you need a decade to pay it off is insane. You’ll spend at least half of that time paying out of pocket for repairs along with that car payment.

So a thought im trying to get through my neighbor. Youre 50, its says less a midlife crisis and more that youve made it in life to have a luxury sedan.

I get what your saying, but I hate these arguments. $3,000 in 1970 would be equivalent to almost $20,000 today. So if you got the cheapest car for sale today (Nissan Versa starts at $13,255) you would have a better car that is also cheaper than what your parents bought.

All the newly rich doctors and lawyers with their 6 figure debt wiped out will thank her by giving President Warren a second term.

Part of the problem is that “appropriate for a family” has seen a mega shift and not always for the purpose of good function or even common sense.

2009 Honda Civic MSRP: $19,305

Yeah, the price of new cars has risen at roughly the rate of inflation. That’s true.

You also don’t have to buy the median priced car. 

My commute is also three miles each way, and I can tell you if there was a safe bicycle route I would certainly ride my bike instead of driving. However, this is auto-centric America and there is no safe bicycle infrastructure between my home and office. Also, the sight of a bicycle seems to make Americans actively

Pogo stick!

Student loan debt forgiveness may be Warren’s ticket to the White House.

I buy a car.   10 years later, my salary is up 3,000, and cars are up 10,000.  Just what is the PONR, in your opinion?

1st: Wasn’t this sort of inevitable? Even if you factor out Dolt 45 doing whatever it is that he does, the post-recession frenzy was going to run out eventually. People hung onto a lot of cars just to keep them running 5+ years ago.Now they replaced them, and they don’t need new ones.