
I agree. My 2019 Ioniq hasn’t activated AEB without a legitimate reason in my ownership. The ACC can be overzealous in the amount of slowing it does for cars which are turning and will clear by the time I get there, but its also predictable behavior (I have it tuned to the laziest and longest settings).

Get busy living or get busy dying.

Hahaha. Thats a pretty funny troll IMO. 

Oh, I’ll agree mostly with that. People used to be taught threshold braking in driver’s education - now they’re taught complete panic braking.

Sure, but there are plenty of pre-2017 cars out on the road with people start/stopping in them all of the time.

I had to re-read that question a few times myself in order to grasp it too.

I appreciate your attempt to keep the rest of us safe in addition to your own future family.

You want to know what else? On a per-capita basis cardiovascular disease as a cause of death has been on steady decline for 30+ years. Its half the rate it used to be 30 years ago.

That’s why traffic is so herky-jerky now, everyone using that “feature” is auto-braking whenever someone else changes lanes.

The electricity is worth the same. The premium of having the on-demand capability is what is rolled in to those connection fees.

If there is already a fee to 'cover costs' as was suggested above, then the utilities should be buying my same good generated with the same quality at the same price. OR I should be able to sell it to my neighbor for a competitive price. 

I agree with you on the condition that the commodity, power, is being sold at the same price in both directions. That makes it reasonable for people to weigh connecting or disconnecting themselves from the grid.

2nd gear: My wife currently watches a movie on a tablet when we go on road trips. The sound is sent through the bluetooth system. So we get the full effect of the stereo, but she can hold the screen at a comfortable angle. 

Yeah, Boeing is pretty screwed. 

I dunno, fresh produce was always expensive when I was in Montana. Everything needs to get hauled in from California. 

You really should be doing all of the things. Not leaving it in gear is a holdover from when cars didn't have clutch interlock switches and you could turn the key with the car in gear and the clutch not pressed. 

Exactly right. 

No. Also, the parking brake does diddly for your clutch in a manual car.

Why AWD? It’s a serious question. Are you planning on going on hikes that start at trailheads or do you have to make it down an unimproved road?