
Beshear isn’t as far left as Bernie though.

This is very silly of you. AOC demonstrated that Facebook is an untrustworthy arbiter of objective truth. This is a simple concept, which you split into two parts and tried to make them look contradictory. You might as well say AOC believes in gravity and also airplanes.

Not to open a can of worms on the whole gun control debate, but should we really be selling guns to blind people?

Joe Westworld

I’m not a doctor or anything, but maybe we shouldn’t elect the 78 year old man who just had a heart attack to a four year appointment known for being one of the most stressful jobs in the entire world?

Can someone at Splinter please explain why the holy fuckballs you always have Tomato ungrayed? His tedious trolling bullshit is long-term harmful to every political ideal you authors here otherwise promote.

Put on your big journalist pants and say “heart attack.” 

I don’t think you and I agree on what ageism is. I think it’s making assumptions about a person based on their age alone. That’s not what’s happening here. Sanders and Biden have or are experiencing health issues (heart and dementia, respectively) that would be concerning in men in their 40s. The degree to which age

Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.

His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.

I haven’t been this mad at Cousins since Grandpa died without a will.

Psst: Because Centrist/Not Bernie.

I’d hate to give Tom Scocca credit for anything, but Lauren probably learned a new word when this was written on the last day of (and five months before she published her article)

If I could tell Pelosi one thing, it would be:

At this point, the “it might hurt our chances in 2020" calculus needs to be thrown out the window. I admit up front that I was one of those pooh-poohing impeachment proceedings prior to the release of the Mueller report, because the imbalance between the House and Senate meant such proceedings would be dead the second


If he didn’t answer the question: “Typical politician, evasive and unwilling to make a clear statement that he will be held to.”