
What they did wasn’t protesting.  They handing him ratings and viewers.  They might as have have rolled a Brinks truck full of cash up to his front door.  The only thing I’m squeamish about it helping an instigator of racial hatred and violence spread his message.

No! We shouldn’t execute anyone, for any reason! That doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it.

Don’t protest instigators of racial hatred and violence at their home thereby enabling them to add more fuel and viewers to the message they are spreading. Instead protest at FOX news, and organize boycotts of products that advertise with him, great point.

They don’t deserve to be dragged out of their home and shot though. Being a racist asshole isn’t deserving of an execution. That’s not an eye for an eye. That’s not justice. That’s murder.

but reread original posts?

There are no successors to AG in the way there is a Presidential succession. The AG is appointed. Not elected, and per Article II of the constitution the Senate has to confirm the appointments made by the President. Trump is using the Federal Vacancies Reform act to appoint Whitaker to acting AG, but the appointment

Except the constitution does address it in the appointments clause that lays out the Senate’s role in advice and consent.

LBJ’s assuming of office wasn’t a problem because the line of succession is laid out in the constitution. What people are arguing here is that Whitaker was never confirmed by the Senate, and therefore he cannot serve as acting AG. It would be different if Trump picked Sally Yates, who was confirmed in another DOJ

Except Goebbels was running an arm of Nazi Germany’s government, and Tuck Carlson is just an asshole on tv that around .008% of the U.S. population watches. The fucking point is your original premise is just as flawed as that analogy.

Like I said to someone else: this is the Internet, so I’m going to guess that just like 99% of everyone behind a keyboard who says someone should be shot if presented with that option in real life they would know that’s stupid.

I wouldn’t say I have sympathy for him. It’s more that I vehemently disagree with what these people did. I don’t think shitting on the protesters, and not feeling bad for Tucker Carlson are mutually exclusive.

It’s the internet, so I’m guessing if presented the option of murder in real life he would know that would be insane.

No chance the ACLU isn’t all over this tomorrow.  There’s no way this is legal.

Yeah...its a blurry line. There’s levels of doxing too. Its one thing for someone’s name to get out there and they get fired or something. That doesn’t really bother me. Its when someone’s phone number or address gets exposed, something that can lead to them being in danger, that is problematic for me.

Ok...I’ll bite with a different thought experiment:

Neither of them deserve to be dragged from their home and shot. They deserve to get hammered for their views through protests at FOX/boycotting/blacklisting etc until his career is over.

I’ve got no problem with videos going out to publicly shame those people, but no one should ever be doxed.  Its dangerous.

He’ll have monster ratings tonight, and will get to peddle his racist trash to even more viewers now.

No one should physically harm Carlson, or his family, or even his door. But the idea that he should be free to peddle white fear on his sizable platform without ever being even mildly inconvenienced is one that isn’t grounded in reality.