I will personally apologize to the entire state of Texas for everything mean I’ve ever said about them if Beto pulls this out. And its A LOT.
I will personally apologize to the entire state of Texas for everything mean I’ve ever said about them if Beto pulls this out. And its A LOT.
Yeah...I’ve been here nine years and it always seems like the early voters are waiting in line because there aren’t as many polling places for it.
Essentially we need a new voting rights act that would:
I voted in Chicago this morning...it took me longer to fill out the ballot than wait in line. I feel like depending on your polling place that Tuesday voting is quicker than early voting.
he difference between watching the best 750 players in the world (aside from a few Japanese players who haven’t been posted internationally yet, and maybe some Cubans still waiting for the right moment to defect) and the best 800 simply isn’t that great.
“There is no plan for U.S. military forces to be involved in the actual mission of denying people entry to the United States,” Dunford said
This is why Trump’s decision to send 5,200 troops to the southern border strikes me as an exaggerated effort at scaremongering.
Its so hard on every article like this to not make a snarky remark about the 3 “not voting is ok” pieces the last month. I guess I’ll just go vote instead.
But what if none of these amendments inspire me? (Sorry - had to) But seriously. Read these carefully. There was an amendment in Illinois in 2016 about how money was allocated for road construction that was worded in a way where they may as well have just put “Vote Yes here” on the ballot.
Are we sure that’s not a Baby Ruth?
FOX has pulled it too...
NBC does not require, nor does it posses a broadcast license. NBC’s local affiliates posses the broadcast licenses. NBC does own some of those affiliates, but they are separate entities from NBC the network as far as the FCC is concerned.
They actually can as long as the ad isn’t for a specific candidate, and isn’t being paid for by a third party. And that only applies to the broadcast licensees (your local tv stations). Not NBC the national network.
You’re reading this wrong. Broadcasters can refuse to air ads that aren’t from specific candidates, and this ad is not for a specific candidate. They can also refuse to run ads from PACs or third parties.
See you can’t actually answer the question of how to change the system. All you can do is list the reasons why you don’t like it without offering any solutions. Voting can and has changed the system. It just hasn’t changed it enough for you fast enough so you think it isn’t changing.
No, voting is the tool used to make you think that you are doing something without doing anything.
So, voting is the only thing you can do?
And doing nothing accomplishes what exactly? Its the system we have, and if you don’t vote that system will never change.
Which makes more sense: to attack people who give in to that discouragement, or to attack the powerful forces behind it?