
This is a strange thing for a Green Party candidate to say, particularly in this race. Sinema is a centrist who votes with Donald Trump over 60 percent of the time, more often than conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin.

In 2016 GTA Online had already done a half billion in micro-transactions.  The game itself is the most profitable entertainment property ever.  More than any film, more than any book, more than any show.  All without the hassle of producing more single player story driven content.  There is no reason to think that

I’m not specifically referring to DLC for RDR2.  I’m talking about Rockstar in general.  They didn’t do single player DLC for the biggest selling game in history because of GTA online, and they won’t have it for Red Dead because of Red Dead online.

Its really too bad that Rockstar has given up on single player DLC.

How exactly have the dems leaned right? They’re running and funding Beto, Ocasia-Cortez, and Gillum. Georgia may well see its first black governor (and its a woman), Democrats have launched a Medicare for All caucus in the House that includes 70 members, 123 have signed on to a Medicare for All bill, and Sanders has a

I vehemently disagree with your take, and it disappoints me that you have decided to attempt to enable non-voters to stay home by giving “credibility” to their reasoning. Especially considering what 2016 gave us, and the fact that an equally if not more important election is less than a week away.

Voting for a “lesser of two evils” has gotten us Trump, if you cannot see that, you haven’t been paying attention.

This Is the definition of self fulfilling prophecy.

Because fuck you, you worthless piece of shit who destroyed America by not being fully on board with Hillary for wanting actual change in the system and wanting to protest and practice your god damn right to participate as you wish.

Nailed it.

Yeah its nuts.  Local politics can impact your life just as much if not more than national politics.

Donald Trump won Ohio by 500,000+ votes. Obama won Ohio by 166,000 votes. If you voted for either, against either, or didn’t vote at all, they still collected all 18 electoral votes.

None of the problems you mention change unless everyone votes. I live in Chicago. The population is 2.7 million, and less than 600,000 people voted in the last mayoral election. Its not that your vote doesn’t count. Its that people aren’t voting, and those votes matter.

Holy shit this moron tweeted it, and the responses are amazing...

I would hope looking at what’s gone on the past 2 years would get them to vote. I can for sure tell you what won’t work though. Hoping that every candidate is going to be replaced by someone that “inspires” these idiots, or that every candidate is suddenly going to change their message to something that somehow

voting largely is pointless. all you need to do is look at the last presidential election, where trump won despite not gaining the most votes.

Better idea: Explain to them the consequences of not voting. Explain to them why voting isn’t about how you feel about a candidate, but how your decision to not vote is going to affect the person standing next to you.

This is not a democracy.

Actually its very easy.  If looking at what’s gone on the past two years doesn’t convince you to vote, and you are able to vote, then you are just as complicit in what Trump and the GOP have done to this country as Trump himself. Period.

Obviously they don’t like black tint...