
Actually he’s not. The 22nd amendment says no one can elected to the office more than twice. If Obama were to serve as VP, and then something happened to the POTUS, Obama would become President because he isn’t being elected to the office for a third term. He would be assuming the Presidency.

Not enough stars.

Every time you hear a business person their business experience makes them a good candidate you should turn around and run away. A government is not a business. Its functions, structures, and goals are completely different than a company selling widgets.

Paul has been an always will be a massive fraud.

Or by giving up two first round picks.

This is a hall of fame worthy WYTS. Well done Drew. Can’t wait for the Vikings one.  Skol!


How exactly is he leeching? If he doesn’t play video games is he not allowed to do video game bits? If he isn’t a gear head is he not allowed to do car bits? If he doesn’t watch anime he isn’t allowed to do a bit about a Japanese cartoon?

Well you can start by separating search engines/social media sites from the ad platforms they own.  As far as the Athletic goes, sure, they could be done in two years.  However they must have shown something to investors to make them think they’d get a nice return on the $20 million they raised this year.

A couple of random thoughts that will most definitely lead to a solution:

No different than Penn State and Sandusky, MSU and Larry Nassar, Wallstreet and the bankers who put us in the great recession, or any number of other scandals. The institution is more important than the people irrevocably damaged by it, and we allow them the power to protect themselves.

What John McCain’s legacy will be, however, is the one crafted by the reporters and peers who loved him, who bought hook, line, and sinker that McCain was a different kind of politician, and not the fraud he actually was. seems like people were chomping at the bit for him to die so they could post their “McCain was a pos” articles/blogs/tweets. His decisions/voting record are definitely worth revisiting down the road just as any complex political figure down the road, but now isn’t the time.

That doesn’t mean she’s allegedly dead genius. That means he allegedly killed her, which is how you are supposed to word it when someone hasn’t actually been convicted.  

It’s not an argument against immigration control.  It’s an argument against blaming the cause of the murder on illegal immigration.

She died in Iowa. If we kept everyone out of Iowa, that girl would be alive. See how dumb your logic is? (That’s a rhetorical answer...i know you’re a moron who’s fallen hook line and sinker for a racist fallacy)

What’s your grand solution to stop murder?

Maybe if it wasn’t supported by evidence, but it is here. She isn’t avoiding the argument. She’s making the argument while at the same time attacking the credibility of the other side.

Ah the old ignore the question you can’t answer because you know you’ve been painted into a corner. Despite the fact you’d have failed debate class I’ll answer yours.