I disagree...claiming hypocrisy that isn’t there is insecure and desperate, but when its spot on and supported by evidence it weakens the argument being made by the hypocritical side.
I disagree...claiming hypocrisy that isn’t there is insecure and desperate, but when its spot on and supported by evidence it weakens the argument being made by the hypocritical side.
There was no way to prevent the other hundreds of murders that were committed over the last month? No way at all?
Even if Rivera committed the crime he’s accused of, it doesn’t particularly matter that he was undocumented. (Besides, immigrants to the U.S. commit fewer crimes, not more, than native-born Americans.)
Using the tragic death of this woman to blow a racist dog whistle...what a guy.
And we should be more concerned with that tragic loss of life over any of the other murders committed in this country over the last month because...?
I think its a red herring federally, but locally I think term limits could lessen the impact of money in places like Chicago.
If you are talking about a statue of a confederate general or soldier in hallowed civil war battlefields like Gettysburg National Military Park marking for example the position of the confederate line vs a similar set of statues for the union line, I would say.. not so fast dude.
Good for those kids. Don’t even give the thing a chance to get moved to a museum...display a photo of it coming down instead.
Ummmmmm what?
The most straightforward reform for political media is this: do not create candidates because you need an exciting narrative..
More like closed your eyes. Ensuring that Trump doesn’t control congress after the midterms, and keeping him from a second term is not wasting your vote.
Wow...such a detailed rebuttal to my points. And it’s not cowardice. It’s that I didn’t want an racist, conman, reality show star who couldn’t even run a casino to be POTUS while beholden to a foreign hostile government. Oh hey that’s what we got, but you go ahead and keep making worthless protest votes instead of…
So - you knew how bad a candidate she was, nominated her anyway, then expected us (the non-Democrats) to drink your kool-aid with a smile?
And how does voting for a third party candidate in an election they will never be able to win get you any closer to four well funded and promoted parted parties? A third party candidate hasn’t won a single electoral vote since 1968. Jill Stein isn’t even moving the debate. She’s simply helping Trump. Insanity is the…
You hate third parties, don’t really understand how voting works, and think everyone should vote the way you want them to.
Hope you’re enjoying the Trump presidency.
I will when you explain to me how people who were never going to vote Clinton.
That doesn’t serve our needs or solve our problems.
1) You need to work on your reading and comprehension. Its speaks to exactly what you said, which was we have a poverty problem and neither party has helped. I will repeat my point since it seems to have gone over your head. Poverty is a complicated systemic issue that one POTUS will not be able to fix in 4 years.…