
What about muscle milk???  Since when do muscles lactate?

If we are going to take sexual harassment seriously, our attacks on it can not be solely politically motivated. When we say that a Senator like Franken is “too important” to be taken down by allegations like this, what we’re really saying is that the women he harmed are worthless. If that’s what counts as a

You must own quite a bit of Facebook stock for an answer that oblivious to how Facebook works, what it does, and how each user pays to use the service (just so we’re on the same don’t have to give FB money to pay them).

Oh, also, Facebook is free. He literally could charge for it but he doesn’t.

ICE doesn’t patrol the border. mean to tell me a politically impossible and logistically naive solution that won’t fix the actual problem has given the GOP a new opportunity to blow the immigration dog whistle even more for the midterms? Shocking!

The pee tape is real.

I wonder if the judge can pick out a DHS official, say Kirstjen Nielsen, hold her in contempt for not complying with the court order, and have her tossed in jail until those kids on the list are reunited?

What Johnson ignores here is that abolishing ICE is a “change in those policies.” It might be bewildering to Johnson, but advancing an idea that would prevent hardliners from torment immigrant communities by taking away the tool they’re using—one which was created just fifteen years ago—is just as valid of a

There’s plenty of Trump blame to go around, but it’s one thing to stay home. It’s another for a progressive to take the time to go to their polling place and hand their vote to Trump by not voting for Clinton, and it’s an especially important lesson for the midterms. There will be progressives in swing districts

I never said Pelosi or Schumer shouldn’t hang it up or get primaried.

That’s not the point. Its not about the base turning out...its about getting people to vote democrat in republican districts to flip seats, and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez wouldn’t be able to flip a swing district from a republican. She’s great for the party as a whole, but there is also a reality that needs to be faced if we


I’m in the 10%. Its great when they have the district locked up the morning after they win the primary, and I’m glad she’ll be in Washington pushing the party as a whole left. That being said, if it takes a center left candidate to beat a repbulican in a district that went to Trump I’ll take the center left candidate

Ok, Bruce.

Your “side” is the one who keeps trying to equate “anybody who supported Sanders” with “anyone who didn’t vote for Clinton on election day”.

My name isn’t Bob, and I’m not bad at math either. You seem to be though. Trump won 46.1% of the vote, and Clinton had 48.2% and Stein 1.06%. But how can 1% of the vote make a difference? Because its not a popular vote. It doesn’t matter that only 1% voted matters where they were voting...

Hilary Clinton primary voters voted for Clinton in the general election. How are they more to blame than progressives who handed their vote to Trump by voting for Stein or writing in Bernie?

It wasn’t a small segment of voters. There were more than enough Jill Stein/Bernie write in voters to give Clinton the win, and there is a risk that those same voters are going to do the same thing for the same dumb reasons during the midterms. They also deserve just as much anger as Trump supporters do because they

But those people never claimed to be progressive.  They were the ones who wanted things like the muslim ban, and they are all eternally grateful for those on the left who couldn’t see the forest for the trees and refused to vote for Clinton.