I mean obviously she has her share of the blame as well, but the choice falls ultimately to the person casting the vote.
I mean obviously she has her share of the blame as well, but the choice falls ultimately to the person casting the vote.
How’s President Donal J. Trump working out for us?
I voted and campaigned for Hilary Clinton even though I voted for Sanders in the primary because I understood the danger Trump represents. My conscience is clear.
There wasn’t an option for neither one. The choice was between Trump and Clinton, which is why as I voted for Clinton even though I voted for Sanders in the primary. We now have Trump because people were too blind to see the big picture.
Nah...everybody likes me. Its because they don’t want to admit they are partially responsible for putting an idiot racist conman reality tv show host into the most powerful political office in the world over a more than qualified, serious, and at the very least left of center candidate.
Apparently VERY hard.
This is funny. Every time I ask Bernie supporters or Stein supporters the same question they all do the same thing. Refuse to answer.
Not a Pokemon fan. Anyways...centrist agenda or Trump?
Haven’t read Animal Farm in a while, so you’ll have to forgive for not recalling the context of the quote. But back to my original question...would you rather have a centrist agenda or Trump?
Can’t star this comment enough.
Would you rather have a centrist agenda or Trump?
ICE’s core functions, meanwhile, would be disseminated amongst other federal agencies.
You’re describing an immigration system that is built around allowing any people who want to come in to do that,
Did you mean to respond by copying and pasting your same comment? One which I explained already?
I have no idea what you were saying because I wasn’t responding to you, so I think you are missing the point I was making to Major Major Major Major, which is exactly that. If its not ICE it will be someone else, so its useless to call for the abolishment of ICE.
Ok, let’s get specific then...
No...I brought it up to illustrate that even if you abolished ICE the POTUS would just have a different federal agency, whether its DHS, FBI, or the DEA do it.
It doesn’t even solve one problem. Even if ICE was still called INS do people really believe Trump wouldn’t be using them in the same way?