
And she’s only 16?!? She’s going to be so wonderfully terrifying someday.

It’s like Stephan curated BCO

Yussssss!!! Getting my diaphragms has been so fucking hard. I had to special order mine through a weird chain of people family members worked with outside of Canada. Its been so worth it. 6 years, no pregnancy scares, no fiddling with different pills, or IUD adjustment period. Really excited to hear my retro

Team Babette and Maury.


What’s harder, getting the hair right right or hauling that mattress everywhere you go?

See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?

We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could

Feminist avenging AND matching jackets?!?

like, all of this terrible non-shade and non-escalation tells me that these girls don’t know how to have a real feud

“I demand that I climax,” Minaj said simply. “I think women should demand that.”

Paris Hilton has a GED

Maybe. Maybe the gods are crazy. Maybe the stars are blind...

Thank you for this.

THIS. As a fellow city resident, I agree 100%. The presence of so many cops from outside the city who do not understand the community and treat us like enemy combatants is so damaging, we have enough problems with our OWN police dept. The last thing we need is cops from Howard County and Baltimore County rolling in

My 16-year-old sister looks a little bit older so she occasionally gets hit on by boys in their early 20s. At one point, this one sorry fellow tried to convince her that “age is just a number,” to which she quickly retorted, “a prison cell is just a room.”

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in

Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed are tongue-ing each other all over Coachella.


Like most people, I was an gangly teen- all pimples and limbs and braces. I had a huge, super nerd-girl crush on someone I’ll call Joe. Joe was a year older than me even though he was in the same grade, and had bit puberty sooner as a consequence, so was more man-than-boy shaped. Ravelston likied.

One look at time on

It’s like Crap Museum Exhibit From a Dude.