
The prosecutors tried to coerce one woman into sterilization after she was arrested with marijuana. She also happened to be young and had 3 kids. I guess the prosecutors just wanted to throw in some forced sterilization for grins and giggles.

Warms my heart to see so many jez readers support eugenics. It's almost as if (white) feminists have a long history of supporting such policies.

There has already been a history of forced sterilization of women. In my own family, both of my grandmothers were scared to go to the doctor because they were afraid of being sterilized against their will. They knew it was happening to women like us who were Native American. This was going on until my mother gave

If you read the story, she and the baby were sleeping in the same bed and it died. If this were a wealthy, white Park Slope yuppie mother "Co-Sleeping", there wouldn't be charges because it would be a "tragic accident" or "SIDS".

this is one I actually used. I was five years old, playing with my cousins at my Babcia's house. She was making dinner and was a terrible cook. When she called us in for dinner, I told her I couldn't eat because I was sick. She asked what was wrong, and I told her it was prostate cancer.

You are stunning and perfect.

NO! why?!

My hair was this color as a child and I'd kill to have it back.

This haircolor! Perfection

I know this is an urban legend-ish sounding kind of story, but I know a woman who checked into a hotel room once and smelled something a little off. She looks under the bed and there is a dead body. Apparently, a woman was murdered and put under the bed the night before, so relatively fresh, you know? My takeaway:

I have a habit in the morning of turning on the shower, and while waiting for the water to warm up, I poop. I poop in the toilet, by the way... not in the shower, if you guys needed that clarification. Anyways, because I don't want to flush and make the water boiling hot (which I have no idea if this is even the

Getting faded and watching Bollywood dance vids.

you realize you just posted this on Diet Tumblr? I can hear the professional offense-takers gathering their pitchforks now......

I think your wording is going to cause a lot of rage on here but I kinda understand what you are saying/doing. I have a five year old and a one year old. My five year old is his mother's twin in that he is incredibly independent and stubborn. It's a good thing because he won't take shit from anyone as he gets older

I'm a truly single parent of a super energetic two year old. I have no partner and no family within a hundred miles to lend a hand in the day-to-day stuff and it's fucking hard. Last week I had a bad moment like the one you described. Just loosing my shit angry because my son did something I'd asked him a million

Nonsense about the abuse or you being an awful person. This is all totally normal, assuming when you say you are shaking him and physically relocating him, you aren't actually hurting him or shaking him in a scary/harmful way. Grabbing a whining, defiant 4 year old by the arm and leading him off to the bathroom-

Yeah, right? Where is the How to Clean a Toilet, Including Wiping Down the Part Between the Seat and the Tank, Wiping the Top of the Tank, and Cleaning the Pee Dribbles You Left Down the Front of the Bowl class? Where is the Clean Up Every Single One of Your Godamn Beard Hairs from Both the Sink and the Counter class?

Can they hire her as a columnist, pretty please?

+1 million internets for the first person to 'shop Amber Rose driving a semi in the snow.