
There was this guy today at the cafe, where we were the only two people in the room, and he kept on staring at me, while I was eating, doing homework, and using the phone. And as I was using Tinder, I saw his profile, it was quite racially charged and full of fetishization (think confederate flags, Yellow Fever,

When I was a barista, my ability to mainline as much free coffee as I liked was the only aspect of the job I felt enthusiastic about. And it probably made me a much perkier* employee.

Most people look at me like I have two heads when I say that I don't really care if I don't love my job as long as I don't hate it and dread going to work every morning. My passions are family and friends- I don't have a brain for science or numbers. My dream is to write, but given that I have to support myself

Sometimes I feel like lies don't count as lies when the truth is nobody's business anyway.

I am legitimately surprised it wasn't Rihanna making out with a blonde model.

Now playing

Regarding periods, this is fantastic, and everyone should watch it:

I remember when they let him give the republican talk after the state of the union a few years ago. I was so confused.

I hate that fucking guy. And he's an embarrassment to Indian Americans. I always have to tell people he's not one of my people. I wish Chappelle's racial draft was real, we'd pawn him off on the Whites in a HEARTBEAT.

I would love to see this pass...and then spread to other states. I just really strongly believe that sex workers deserve so much more than the hand they're dealt. They are making an honest living just like everyone else and are entitled to safe and fair working conditions. However I do contend with my own personal

My manager gave me a free meal that night for dealing with them. Silver lining?

Super pretty!

Either her contract is up soon or her contract is bulletproof.

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

Thank you, me too! It's amazing what a difference turning eighteen and having legal agency over yourself makes. I'm incredibly fortunate to have made it back into a "normal" life.

Forever grey, hope y'all will see this: Having been homeless, please let me attest to how very shitty it is to have your period and no supplies. Homeless teens have it even worse, because usually going to a shelter means someone calling CPS. For the first month, I had supplies I'd taken from home. The second month, I

The one they named "Cade" is the evil one. Calling it now.

Cops can kill white people, they just have to also be homeless or mentally ill.