Kinda like saying “Diarrhea is the best use of a toilet’s flushing capacity.”
They check a database that has your registration status, same as in NJ.
ND for sure. I guess the person who did the conversion wanted to see if it could be done - it was, and nobody cares. They took a Chevy Celebrity clone nobody wants and made it a faster car nobody wants. That sad 80s interior isn’t going to inspire anyone to jump at the price either. On the upside, you can spill a…
That “Fully Loaded” comment really gets under my epidermal layer too. I’d hate to meet his sister who’s “really beautiful “ or be his employee who gets a “fantastic raise.”
Kinja’s technology is about as reliable as an out of warranty Alfa Romeo Giulia.
As Astrid bids Bjørn farewell, he hands her the keys to his true love, his “kleine prins”. He is sailing to the New World, where he hopes to find a baby blue Corvair to bring home.
I like this car for all the points you make above. I am not as generous in price: I’d go to $4,500, mebbe $5,000 MAX. For that kind of “screw it” money, it’s a cute, clean, “drive around in the Summer”fun car. That being said, I kinda hope he gets his price though, if greedy scumbag dealers can get $10,000 over…
Yeah, I agree. I might go to $4k, but that would be it. There’s still parts to be replaced, surprises to come out. At least you can wait in the nice interior for the next tow.
ND Cute car. Too many questions, no enough data. It does not compute.
Here’s the business organization blueprint. My fee is $1,200/ hour (Bitcoin please).
NP I put aside all my hatred of K-cars and their terrible progeny. The ragtop caught my interest and then the row-yer-own tranny convinced me “This one will be different!” Nicely preserved and obviously cared for.
The 2.2L was a Chrysler. The Mitsu was a 2.6L .
Thanks for sharing, we all make boneheaded mistakes. You’re a better man for letting us know you’re human.
As I read the VW piece, my mind was heading in the exact same direction. My current car is destined to last a long time. The only exotic feature it has (2015 model) is blind spot monitors. That’s about all I want. If I have to replace it, I will seek high and low for a lightly used car with as little tech as possible,…
Oooh look how pretty it is! (But it’s a Range Rover, remember?)