
Yeah, contraband is a good possibility.

Not enough markup in deal to deal for money laundering. This data makes no sense!

ND - tired and homely looking this car offers two things to the prospective new owner:


Could be old tech, but worse, they had a phone keypad there! In the most natural place to put the most popular controls, they put the phone keypad and jumble it up with radio controls. The HVAC and other controls then get pushed down the stack and force the driver to search around.

KBB puts this at $8.3k to $11.2k. Midpoint is $10k. I think this seller is comparing it to dealer pricing.

I hear they also have a lookalike model, fully equipped.

Wow, so either

ND - even a manual transmission can’t overcome the plainness of this Civic S40. It projects blandness from the inside out. With one exception - the center stack! Can you say “DISTRACTED DRIVING?” are you setting the air flow or dialing Shake Shack? I have never seen a more obvious dash hazard in my life. Kinda ironic

Ist Gear - As far as funds the ordinary schlub can buy, nobody beats the market consistently (except for Peter Lynch, he retired.)

ND There’s a lot of data that just doesn’t fit together here. Why would an owner not know this isn’t a V8? I mean, a straight 6 is not even close in appearance. The absolutely filthy interior is a major turn-off. Even if you did live like a filthy hippie for years in this thing, clean it up or pay someone to clean it

Wow, although they may have only made 100 in this run, but GM turned out thousand of diesel belchers looking a lot like this one for decades. I rode ones like this to high school every day in the late 60s / early 70s. So rare specific model-wise, not rare looks-wise.

Oh my gawd!

ND Once more : class, this is going to be on the test - “Old and rare does not equate to valuable!

They used cloths. They cracked open the small swinging vent windows on the front doors too. The car sold with no heater was really meant for folks who lived in the warmer regions, and were cheap. Without a/c, heaters don’t do a great job of defogging anyway, so even with a heater, wiping and using the vent windows was

My first 2 cars in the 60s were manual steering,  manual brakes. My dad's trucks were the same.  I was amazed when I bought an Impala with PS and PB. What kind of sorcery is this? Still had shitty drum brakes- drive through a puddle and pray!

My uncle a salesman at the time had to convince his boss to buy cars with heaters. This was for the whole east coast team. What finally did the trick was explaining to the cheap ole bastard that they sometimes took customers to lunch!!!

I’m wondering before that did it at least have rear brakes or did they do the Flintstone footbrake? Yeah - before my time some other useful options were: electric starter, turn signals, wipers.

I can break that!

There was a time, within my lifetime, that car heaters were an option.