
Where else would the owner of this ugly duckling get repairs on the hybrid system? Consider that

ND - So we all know that BMW stands for “Break My Wallet” - I can swear to that!

So I voted NP, but now I’m having second thoughts - Why no pix of the convertible top? It’s suspicious. That ragtop could be leaking / faded / with crappy saran wrap for a rear window. Nah, something definitely is off-putting here.

This is the condition you should expect of any Jag older than 15 years. The swiss cheese frame and panels are for extra ventilation, right?


This is a Juicy rental and that area under the cushions is a storage bin that extends down into the front stow-and-go compartment.

Actually, I believe this one has a place to do yer bizness - this photo makes me think there’s a squatpot tucked in under those cushions.

Well, I have to agree that’s a great name for that company! I can’t wait to see what you wind up calling GM!

We’re talking about the ability of a vehicle to move heavy loads from point A to point B.

I agree on the TMFTL, but that 4.9L engine is a gem, hardly “anemic”..

Damn Sasquatch!

ND - As I have stated in previous posts, engine bay pix are important. This helps me make my case - How long do you have to leave a hood open to have birds shit on the fender hump? Even the freaking birds know this is a POS car! Then again, maybe someone just puked up a MickeyD’s shake on it.

NP ! Finally an ad with a picture of the engine bay!

ND As others have said, he just asking too damn much!

ND - I don’t think it will handle the speakers from my last police special...

It looks like a dented can. I can’t get over this reaction to the side views.

ND It may look purty ‘n all but, underneath, it’s still a K car. That means it was designed to last 4 or 5 years, max. It will probably start dropping random parts as the new owner proudly drives this “collectible” off the lot.

ND ND ND I’m sure he paid attention to details, the front end and this say all I need to know:

The K-Car was a piece of shit, designed first and foremost to keep Chrysler from going bust in the late 70s / early 8os. It was not designed to be memorable, be fast or reliable. It was built to last about 5 years or 65,000 miles whichever. The only thing good about the platform was that the minivans the company built