
If you want to piss off the more mature generation Mercedes owners, refer to their vehicle as a “Merc”.

Pretty decent” looks aside? I guess you’re ignoring the shitty LA1 V6 engine with the Play-Doh intake manifold gaskets.

This is commonly referred to in the biz as the “Aztek Approach”

This is one of those time when you see the article title and know your answer without reading or seeing anything more. It checks all the boxes:

Rob, I hate to be picky, and I sure don’t want to be cast as “that guy”. But...

I want this! CACTUS!

You are attempting to polish a turd, Sir.


I see a lawn tractor. Not a fancy, streamlined kind with lots of geegaws, no I see a 1960s fugly beast that may need a push start every time.

and so did Carl Palmer on drums

You’re on a good path, young man!


Bullshite! MY harem of realistic sex dolls get a a Lincoln Mark III or nothing!

The gist of my comment is that I would not recommend it.

REMEMBER -it’s not whether you like this vehicle, but would you recommend it to a friend.

Earlier version did have a driver. Somewhat more streamlined as well.

A couch on wheels, forever and ever, Amen! The last production year was 2011. Many cars still on the road with over 300k miles. Bulletproof engine, lots of room and a three-body trunk. I owned one and it was the most comfortable ride I ever had.

ND But let’s all pity the guy because

Nice, but this is the Bowtie that I lust after:

Haha! Всегда есть один!