Based on the photo, clearly not a glutton-free zone.
Based on the photo, clearly not a glutton-free zone.
I think you should still keep searching for his pants. If I have to see his bare ass wagging outside my window one more goddamn time I’m going to scream.
I heard he once sucked the lifeblood out an unsuspecting raisin and then spat out its withered carcass.
In just one sequence we were treated to a dead woman in a trunk, a woman strangled to death on a roof, and a woman verbally degraded. None of which a decent writer would have required to advance the plot.
I do like him on the show - especially his spookysexy eyes - but I don’t find the show overall as mind-bending as you seem to. For one thing the casual misogyny is lazy and off-putting.
Women are dangerous. I heard they bleed out devil blood every night and also during the full moon. Always safer to go with a manly male who is also of the Caucasian gender.
Bill was nominated for a third term? This IS historical! Hillary will be so excited!
“I’m like, ‘Please clap.’”
I haven’t heard Weiner refer to beating someone like a rented mule since his last sex scandal!
I was not aware of this side of the man. I'm glad you wrote the story.
He also seems like a genuinely good guy. For a while my son was a big fan of the series of books Stoudemire authored, which are fun and inspiring.
Right on! I am very proud to be a Democrat today.
Lincoln Chaffee is at an undisclosed second-floor location on Sansom Street receiving a relaxing full-body shampoo.
I usually print out the entire Internet every day before I read it. Let me know if you want me to fax it to you.
Just to be clear: spilling ink all over the page is not the same thing as writing. Writing requires thought.
Jellyfish are beautiful.
No one ever said it takes brains - or heart - to be a squid.
The last time we played that little game - when Nader ran - we ended up with GW Bush instead of Al Gore. Bush dragged us into an unnecessary war (over 100,000 Iraqis were killed), gutted civil liberties and social programs, and lined the pockets of the rich.
I have heard from reputable sources that tigers use the ears of human beings as an aphrodisiac.