yousayclamato, joe

Bottom line, Ailes has never sexually harassed Trump and that proves he is a solid individual who would certainly pick up a lunch check on occasion or treat his pals to hookers or put some quality shit on his tv stations. That’s just the kind of guy Ailes is, and anyone who says otherwise is a lyin’ ass skank. Believe

OMG, at this point I would prefer murderers.

Trump doubtless high fiving himself right now. Ugh x 1 million.

You know, aside from sewage pouring down the walls, exposed wiring, and overpowering gas fumes, it sounds lovely. Damn Aussies should be happy there’s no wallaby infestation.

You’re sasha jokester!

A cheesy decision indeed.

I don’t deny that it happens. My point was that in the vast majority of cases, when a woman says she was assaulted in some fashion by an athlete she is telling the truth. For this reason I find it disturbing when people - typically men - immediately assume that the woman is lying and conniving. Often they are hostile

I had a hunch you might say that.

It may be a set-up. These things do happen. But when a woman comes forward and says she was abused, she deserves the benefit of the doubt. What happens all too often, on this site and elsewhere, is that the woman is attacked and the athlete is defended. It happens over and over and over again, regardless of the facts,

You cared enough to respond, sweetheart.

I may not know you, but I know your type all too well.

There is much evidence of athletes being violent to women, and so little evidence of women beating themselves to a pulp (or having others do it) because athletes are a meal ticket.

To be fair, she entertained more daring ones. God knows Bill has.

Right! And then you wake up in the ocean and you can't remember what you saw anyway.

Damon all day long. My wife concurs (damn her).

“The Bourne Genitalia”

Trump, as well, was a bit on the wrinkly side. Possibly because his skin is made out of an old disposable vacuum cleaner bag.

All the women at the RNC who I saw on the tv were scary as fuck. As were the men, for that matter.

So much for getting a cheap buzz by hanging around creepily while my wife gets her nails done at the salon.

For a moron, he’s pretty funny.