yousayclamato, joe

Hillary is fine. It's her campaign that's moribund.

It doesn’t excuse Lauer’s rudeness, but Clinton would do well to focus on “closing” on points vs. pontificating endlessly. Also she sounds very defensive.

“What is Aleppo?”


Ok, ok

To be fair, is there a more depressing place on earth than Dallas?

I heard Phyllis Schlafly cried once. Her tear burned through concrete.

Open carry plus angry protesters... what could possibly go wrong?!

Mike Martin. He was a big boob.

taCorinthian Tuesday!!!


Matching shark tattoos are a good sign that a relationship has jumped the shark.

He can hang out with lots of dudes his own emotional age by joining a fraternity.

Killed by an Apple? How unoriginal.

I knew a dude like this too back in the day. I remember watching him eat two whole watermelons while sitting in the grass in his shorty shorts. Then he spent about 5 hours in the privy, which smelled like rotten fruit forever after.

If you had ever seen a grown 275-pound man blubbering (which seems redundant) I dare say you would not mock.

I guess somebody had to go there 😜😜😜

Listen... the next time a pederast talks to you about your vulva you punch them right in the neckbone.

Hence the expression, “she couldn’t locate her vagina with both hands!”

Now I'm dizzy 😜