yousayclamato, joe


Having to discuss mental health issues in a professional context is one of the more humiliating things to do in the American workplace. I had to do it today and even though the outcome was extremely favorable for me, I still want to curl up in a ball and hide forever. I can’t imagine having to deal with it on this

From a statement about her death: “There will never be another Phyllis Schlafly.”

Better late than never.

you should always say something good about the dead: she’s dead, good.

Actually, I think that verse can be found in Two Corinthians, soon to be made into a Trump-verified feature film, entitled 2 Corinthians 2 Furious.

Starting a brag thread this week because I’m so excited!

Every person I know like this has parents who are richer than God. Who has time for a job when there are organic co-ops that need haunting?

Did you meet my brother? Because this sounds like my brother.

I have met a real life fruitarian (although I’m pretty sure he pronounced it “fruitatarian” and dude was NUTS. He’d walk around in little short shorts with no shirt on and often shoeless, big wild crazy hair (very new age/hippy vibes) and would go on and on about how amazing his diet is and how much fruit he eats. I’m

Neckbone was an especially nice touch.

Nobody fucks with the Jesus.

I used to refer to the whole shebang (inner and outer) as a vagina. But I had to stop because pedants here and elsewhere were always correcting people. “Actually, I think what you’re referring to is the vulva...”


I agree. Its exhausting. I can only think it’s easier to look into her history because it’s all been public, and looking into Trump’s sordid and manipulated existence is too hard. We should hear every day about his connections in Russia, and with mob ties in NYC, and his hiring of immigrants, and fucking people over

Oh that ain’t right! WHY would you say something like that???? You should be ashamed!

Just wait. Somehow this will be Huma’s fault. “Why hasn’t she taken her son and left?” “A good mother would have left the campaign trail and come home.” “Benghazi!”

Arizona is probably not that hard to hack. I’m guessing most state officials’ password is “password.”

I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.