yousayclamato, joe

“Look at that bunch of musk over there.” “Herd.” “Heard of what?” “Musk.” “Sure I’ve Heard of Musk.” “No, no, no, a musk herd!” “What do I care what a Musk Heard? I’ve got no secrets from a Musk!”

God dental dam it!

Finish the sentence:

I’m serious, right? I have no flipping idea who this is and I would neverevereverever click on some shit that mentions her.

Yes. Chris Christie took a massive dump in his pants.

Don’t forget, you owe me a shiny penny every time you use this gif.

If Sylvia Plath hadn’t stuck her head in an oven, this news would drive her to it.

I’s know, right’s?

Whatthey said in the letter sounds like utter horseshit. She should work with those other artists to get this story publicized in the broader media. Bad press will bring them to the table pretty quickly.

The “my creepy uncle wore this in 1975" sweater vest says it all.

I won't cash it in until later, I promise.

Fact check: third eye blind singer, otherwise seemingly a decent chap, refers to himself as an ‘artist.’ Three blind pinnochios.

He jumped the shark.

But that too can, eventually, get manatanous.

This is fine, but what about my idea for salad bars in truck stop men’s rooms?

Also last time I went to see my psychiatrist he pulled out three of my teeth. Maybe trying to get me to stop jawing?

Those videos hanoied the hell outta me.

You artoo deetail oriented.

I wish my gender neutral partner was sexier. Sigh!
