yousayclamato, joe

He wouldn't dare leia hand on her.

Blind to justice. Blind to decency. Blind to compassion. Blind to humanity. Blind to the tremendous pain he has caused.

That would presumably explain the chopped-up vintage doll parts.

How awesome. Big ups to these women.

Slovenia, you're not sending us your best oral skills! Wait, I rescind my comment.

Clearly you’ve never heard of the military instituting a no-fly zone.

Truly, who could be more credible than one of these jack-off private contractors to the military? They are such a credit to the shitty companies they work for... I mean to our country!

“To all the men I’ve duuuuuuuuped before...”

I think it makes sense if they are personalized sex towels. I for one am bloody sick of wiping my privates with day-old newspapers and fabric swatches.

Scott Baio. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Somewhere in 1983 this has the makings of a truly epic junior-high sleepover.

We can all sleep soundly knowing that up in Alaska, “Hot Wheel” Track Palin is patrolling the border between dweebish entitlement and drunken rage.

Ironically, one of those doughy interns is apparently named Windsor Knots.

Yes. You are sexy at all the wrong times, also a small tipper. But your gif collection is unrivaled. Score: 6.66

This is precisely why I never wash my middle finger, aka my ‘dirty digit.’

One of the other posts said the police were ambushed... Does anybody know what really happened at this point?

Looking forward to getting back to Indiana. This fancy schmancy big-city cuisine doesn't sit right with my small-town, conservative Christian intestinal tract. Check please! Keep the nickel change!

No I cannot forget where it is that I come from

You lost me with “let’s not be asses.”

Just as I susspected!

Sharing a cover with “Cleavage Confidential,” duh!