yousayclamato, joe

Yes I can totally see DeNiro or Sean Penn doing this and people raving about it endlessly.

Those roles will continue to accrue to Daniel Day-Lewis, who will then have enough Oscars for an entire chess set.

Also what’s with all the Brits playing Americans nowadays on “prestigious” cable TV shows? Nobody's talking about Brexiting lucrative acting jobs, are they? Huh???


Totally reminded of that scene in “The squid and the whale” (which I sometimes confuse with “The diving bell and the butterfly”) in which the girl asks the boy if he’s read Kafka and he replies, “Yes, I found it a bit Kafkaesque.”

Snark Skank

I, too, feel compelled to apologize. Your lack of guns is heartwrenching. I believe I saw a UNICEF commercial about it just the other day:

Scientists agree that the only accurate and acceptable answer to the question, “Do you know who I am?” is “a complete fucking asshole?”

Yes, because there’s been so fucking much willy-nilly gun control passed in this country.

It takes a particularly small mind to focus on this sort of minutiae when we’re in the middle of a national crisis of gun violence.

What exactly is the end game here? We all kill each other until there’s only one living American, who then shoots himself? What then? The guns declare victory?

That pickle be sliced right the fuck up. Word.

To the extent that I think about it (550 times a day, maximum) I tend to think Taylor Swift’s genitals more closely resemble the bakery roll with a thin layer of mayonnaise only. Bring your own cold cuts if you absolutely must.

Sorry, I thought you said seamen. That’s why I got skeeved out.

Polygamy and lubrication, among other things.

I thought I told you to chlam up about that already.

Like two dogs fucking, they had to be pulled apart by security at the beach club.

“Shitty opinions for everyone, barkeep! Shitty opinions for alllllll my friends!”

I haven't felt the bern this bad since my last bout of hemorrhoids.

Cold tofurkey is the only way to kick the habit. No joke.