yousayclamato, joe

The Earth a treasure for all of us. Humans as a species are destroying it. Throw the lot of them in jail.

Alligators are not a nuisance. Disney and their patrons are a nuisance.

I smothered to death beneath the sheer, bleating bloviation. But I did not mind, since I missed exactly nothing.

An uptighty whitey - who would have guessed?

I wonder what she used the dog bowl for.

Q: Can one really “litter” feces?

Reminds me of that Rim Tobbins movie “Lacob’s Chatter.”

Don’t forget storming off stage because someone sneezes during an acoustic tune.

Mmmm... Caramel smashed up with a soft gooey center.

What about a cow that eats nothing but almonds?

Actually I was referring to the boiling milk enemas you enjoy.

If your mommy is a cow then keep on guzzling cow’s milk, ruminant boy.

“Dark, cloudy skin” - no, that’s your cataracts - everything looks dark and cloudy to you.

It’s no secret, dude. Obama visited me in an Ambien-fueled vision (mine or his I can't be sure) and convinced me to become a Islam.

I actually find the condescension of the second part - about the rhythmic kneeling and cleaning - infinitely worse than the assumptions about the criminals.

We only want the bearded Drake though! 😜

What about being a bird of prey? “I’m taking my talons to Miami!”

Especially a musician! Seems like a good album's worth of material there.

Canada is not sending us their best.

All for the almighty dollar.