yousayclamato, joe

Clearly written from the perspective of someone with a Ted Cruz tramp stamp. 😜😜😜

So are humans... a zesty zombie treat!

And later, when you die of shellfish poisoning, they’re still alive and squirming in your cute little tummy! How adorable!

Yoga is a scam? Who would have guessed.

If I had a friend or family member who had committed such an awful crime, I can't imagine in a million years trying to defend them in this way or minimize the damage they had caused.

Roni Rose... up out of her seat

What about when Hillary wins the general election? Then will Bernie concede? Or will he be camped out in front of the White House with a pup tent and megaphone?

At least we know the murderer’s ethnicity: Cracker! Cracker!

It’s only understandable if you think empathy does not extend beyond one's immediate selfish considerations. Which is a pretty cynical view of human emotional capacity.

Spare me your whibs.

He’s building a wall between his brain and coherent thought. If you are coherent, you are obviously biased against him. Duh!

Oh Passwaters, how dare you piss on a great man’s legacy.

Well said. There will never be anyone like him.

I also watch the complete Foreman fight periodically. Every goddamn time I am amazed and surprised when Ali comes off the ropes and knocks Foreman’s block off.

We have a signed print of this. A cherished possession.

Not sure I like the proximity of her mouth to his perez.

She is so courageous it's heartwrenching.

I can't help thinking, you want to steal a coat and you go to Zara? Dude... Have some class! Go to Saks or Barney's!

I don’t agree that seeing Kim Kardashian wear orange won’t spur people to action on this important issue. I, for one, an avowed advocate of gun control, immediately felt like buying a Glock.

I solved this problem a long time ago by donning full scuba gear, including flippers, oxygen tanks, and mask before getting into bed. Now if I could only find a woman to join me.