yousayclamato, joe

I heard he is secretly pregnant with her awful mediocrity. OMG it’s already showing. Abort mission! Abort fission! OMG we just shat our spandex trousers.


“History podcast rebuts claims of excessive focus on women”

I wouldn’t say “queasy monogamy.” I think “sleazy monotony” is more accurate.

I am “country slut.” Please don't tell my wife.

How dare you - that man was a saint!

It’s possible that makes sense. But clear writing demands that one not separate subject and verb with a mountain of excess verbiage. Otherwise you end up with constructions like, “My uncle Snerdley who lost a testicle in Korea and once gave me a nickel so I could go buy ice cream died.”

Now I am feeling the drama. Thanks for clarificating. Zzzzz!

What in the actual fuck does that mean? It sounds like it was translated from Bulgarian by someone who just suffered a concussion.

I know. It’s so sad. Such a waste.

I do like the way Meeks breaks down the moment that led to the transcendent photo. Reminds me of interviews with athletes the moment the game ends: “So what were you thinking when you drove in for the winning layup?” “First I’m thinking ‘Ok, let me see if I can get the ball through the hoop.’ Then I started thinking

Obviously Scalia was intercepting all deliveries and stuffing the food down his fat ugly piehole. Also not tipping.

Stuck the landing. +1.111111

He sounds more self-aware than most. Plus he has a cute little puppy. I say woke bae.

You are pretty. It's a shame you are so inutterably vapid.

My god you’ve turned ugly in an instant. Frightening.

We can read your mind, though, and it's a blank fucking page.

Haters of love will sleep soundly tonight. Sad!

I love those books so much. By coincidence I quoted one of them today at work (“I’ll do it all tomorrow!”).

Jewish geography was my worst subject. But Yiddish gynecology? Oy la la!