But his chest and stomach look like a scary alien face!
But his chest and stomach look like a scary alien face!
What can brown do for you?
Once again Plutoghazi rears its ugly Hillary-shaped head. WHEN will Jezebel get its shit together and investigate this shits?
Fair point, but the Catholic Church has a much deeper legacy there (and elsewhere in the region).
What in the actual fuck. Dip this motherfucker in shit and roll him in eggshells.
Chic-fil-a. Seriously. Why in the world would you be shilling for such an awful company?
Chic-fil-a. Seriously. Why in the world would you be shilling for such an awful company?
Excellent article, very well written and clearly well researched. I do wonder if it underplays the role of Catholicism in what is by all accounts a highly misogynistic culture.
Rats. When I saw the headline about a “Nordic model,” I figured there would be photos of a sexy Norwegian. Instead I get Jimmy “Lusting in my Heart” Carter.
There’s nothing cool about burning down the house with an air conditioner.
It’s a typo - should read “shape shat out by a lizard.”
There were a lot of stories like this related to OJ Simpson. Nicole would call the cops, OJ would open the door, and the cops would get autographs and then leave.
With microgreens!
Clearly she killed the infants and slow-roasted them with organic butternut squash.
Thank you. You are a true chum.
I saw the original right when it came out, and have since watched it a couple of times with my kid. Dude, that shit just ain’t that funny, Ok? It has its moments. But we ain’t fucking talking about remaking “The Godfather” here. Give it a fucking rest.
I heard that in the upcoming sequel, “Ocean’s 18,” the Pope will star as a pesky cat burglar and unrepentant womanizer known as “The Pope.”
I wonder what happens if you use the emoji for Jeh...😵
“What I didn’t realize was it isn’t who I am.”
Do you dare “throw shade” at Trump? If so this proves that you too are Mexican! Sad!