yousayclamato, joe

He needs your support. Rather, he just needs support. Bro needs bra.

The great thing about Thompson is he adapts himself to the needs of the situation. Klay is malleable.

You have to credit the police for immediately dreaming up their brilliant “she must be on the pole” theory.

There truly is nothing sexier than a gourd filled with bees. Well, maybe a mason jar filled with fire ants.

Draymond Green softer than that mashed cauliflower dish you serve every Arbor Day.

There was never any public evidence that he was much of anything, drunk/high or sober. He was always just a guy who showed up in a hat, sunglasses, necklaces and a goatee and tried to look enigmatic. Even his acting is like a thin layer of eccentric varnish, with nothing below the surface.

That protects her from unwanted mouth pregnancies.

With great velocirapidity, of that we can be sure.

Now if only Dr. Cunnilingus would get to work.

back atcha!

Anything less than the max amount of whole grains is some seriously pussy ass shit! Keepin shit REAL out here with some straight up kosher seeded pumpernickel, bitchass muthaFUCKA!

Sounds like an and-one situation for real. I will check out the highlights on a internet.

Clearly did not read the fine print on his cranium. “For display only...will not actually perform logical functions.”

The only thing worse would be camping out inside his skull. “And another thing... what is it with these damn kids and their skinny ties!”

Damn. I can’t believe you went there. You done told the man to go jump in a lake. That is some harsh wordage.

AGAIN with your canine fellatio obsession. Sad!


I heard she gets to keep his pubey looking beard. Sad!

Look... misogynistic assholes have feelings too. Stop victimizing him. Sad!

If these pigs weren't such fucking pigs they wouldn't have pot bellies in the first place. Disgusting.