Brown + Sapp = A violently sticky situation
Brown + Sapp = A violently sticky situation
It’s like Emma Goldman used to say: “Behind every sociopathic serial rapist stands a deluded ninny.”
Donald Trump Caught in Major Fabrication
Of course millionaire actresses are not “the face of the wage gap.” However they have the ability to educate people about the issue due to their high degree of visibility, and it’s silly to criticize them for being vocal about it.
I give credit to Berlusconi for giving his parties such an outstanding, onomatopoeic name - “bunga bunga” clearly being the actual sound of old men’s flesh rubbing up against nubile prostitutes.
Anti-gay... okay
I think it’s actually worse than that, because he assumes that women somehow give a shit about what Trump thinks of their appearance.
Franzen: “I’ll take ‘I’m God’s gift to sexy chicks who wear glasses’ for $1,000.”
Stop hating on Lou Reed, bro.
If you’re looking around the universe in search of things to be offended by, you are sure to find some. I wouldn’t put a joke like this high on the list though.
Sounds like first-degree bonin’ in the boneyard.
Mom.... foetal nachos.
It’s unnecessarily lurid.
Surely Phil Collins will have something to say and/or sing about this.
I like naked Madeline Stowe as much as the next guy, but I can’t understand why you put the word “naked” in the headline. It seems to make light of a terrifying situation.
You mean front row seats on the aircraft? If so, sign me up. I'm a virgin who is anxious to meet those of similar mind.
Bax in the DAY i had me them PENNY HARDAWAY sorta mid-top kicks...known to me in my mind as “mah PENNIES” and one time I went into properly gendered baffroom and a dude at the next urinal looked down (!!!!) and said “those shoes is da BOMMB!” i felt so proud
It’s interesting how many commenters express strong feelings about his innocence or guilt. I hope the allegation is not true, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is true, but in the end I simply don’t know.