No, that's still you being a ninny.
No, that's still you being a ninny.
And what is your talent, other than being a ninny?
It's all natural... yeast of eden
OK, I linked to the article and the interview is from 1994. So I guess it’s safe to assume you haven’t made a single ill-advised remark in the last 23 years. Is it true you piss out ginger ale too?
I would think the situation would be worse for flight attendants: “Coffee, tea or milk?”
Someone needs to fill Curt’s bloody sock with horse manure and shove it down his fat smug throat.
Why yes 😜
You may not feel like that, but I guarantee you have unpleasant thoughts and impulses that you don’t admit.
It's not cute or funny, but it's honest. Most people never admit their less-acceptable impulses.
As a jug of mayonnaise, I resemble that remark.
So he's your boyfriend, eh? I wonder how my girlfriend Lupita will feel about that.
Listen... He was quoting the asshole at the end of the bar who just happens to be himself.
That’s easy - no one cares if Uber drivers have junk in their trunk.
I will never forget reading Geek Love, 20+ years ago, on a Greyhound bus going cross country. That book absolutely blew my mind. So very disturbing, so very brilliant.
He almost choked on his Cuban sandwich?
I'm in touch with my sexual energy too. That started when I was about 14.
Seems fair... I would call 911 if I couldn't get hold of a pizza delivery joint.
This is bullshit of the highest order. Kanye is the Taylorest Swiftiest in the universe and he made that bitch famous and he invented leather jogging pants! Where my damn croissant!!!
I would dislocate my dick just putting on the shorty shorts.