yousayclamato, joe

That thumb-thing ith really thumbthing!

Legs coming out de ass yo

Never! I will smash my circa-1973 Zenith screen and impale myself one of the shards.

We white men will never starve. Too much yummy peanut butter around.

This is all rather sad. The minute his songs start showing up in beer commercials I’m going to kill myself.

What... and give them the pleasure?

Except that he’s an avowedly sexist pig who sponsors beauty pageants for the sole purpose of sexing up/down exploitable young women.

That was sort of the point, zombie boy.

Ok forget the statue. Can we at least dig up his corpse and feed it to zombies? (Honestly that’s something I wanted to do even before the whole Sandusky scandal broke.)

I totally can’t believe you bullied him into releasing the song early. I was one of the chosen ones who unearthed the crystal coupon from a partially used packet of adult baby diapers.

Wouldn't he have given Prince Arsenio-brand Arsenic? Makes more sense, product placement-wise.

I thought Kanye stole all her money. If not he definitely should.

Full disclosure: I am (a) vegan.

I thought it was an iPutz+ but you may be correct.

Your restraint is not unappreciated. 😜

The bell of justice dongs.

“Fetal anesthesia” is easily the most vapid, insulting notion i’v ever heard of.

I bet you eat mayonnaise sandwiches and wipe your skinny butt with poison ivy. In short, clearly an irate Jeb supporter.

Sounds intriguingly creepy (the story, not the future).

Why can't they just carve off the top of my skull and pour in the internet. Fucking savages.