Sounds like he's got your endorsalment locked up.
Sounds like he's got your endorsalment locked up.
It’s also empirically the funniest movie ever made. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of lines and moments and situations I find myself citing or internally referencing on a regular basis.
Now if there was only some way to photoshopically graft some sort of talent upon her.
God, how depressing.
No that's clearly malt liquor talking.
And those hilarious caricatures of Jews with hooked noses and horns! All harmless fun!
My number one turn-on is having those ingredients poured into my ear.
I was gonna say... have you seen some of those congressmen?
“Black folk”
If you call gettin’ busy “sexual congress” then you must really be a fun date. 😜
“Safe spaces are the most dangerous places”
Wall around his pants is a good idea... wall across his fat fucking mouth is even better.
I’m sorry to be the one to point this out, but no way that could be a real family. She’s stone-cold gorgeous, and he’s a scrungy dipwad. Not happening.
Mile-high milk moms moo-nite!
Most products would benefit from names like E6000. I would buy, and huff, many of them.
What in the actual fuck.
Although admittedly i’m not a church-going man, I find your seeming naïveté about church as an institution a bit stunning.