Thanks for your reply. I hope you are right about Hillary. I will certainly vote for her.
Thanks for your reply. I hope you are right about Hillary. I will certainly vote for her.
rollin down the street / smokin indo / sippin on gin vs. jews
Don’t get me wrong. I like Clinton. I voted for him twice and I think he did, and continues to do, a lot of good things. But it should be possible to hold two ideas in mind at once: that he was a decent president who accomplished some good things, and that he shifted views opportunistically, typically based on…
Your ad hominem attack notwithstanding, Clinton promised one thing - in no uncertain terms - and delivered something else entirely. You may feel that DADT represented progress, but that doesn't negate his legacy of pandering to the right.
I appreciate the thoughtful reply, I just don't agree with your version of events. Clinton promised to do one thing, and then when he faced opposition from the right he caved. In fact that's more or less the narrative of his political career.
All true and truly depressing. Another thing he did that galls me was promise to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, only to do an about-face the moment he was in office.
Albert. Al. Albacore. With all due respect, YOU are the problem. You failed to trust the process. The process, that is, of Sam Hinkie being a flamingly incompetent asshole who walls himself in behind a Trumpian wall of denial and self-serving horseshit.
Well said - I entirely agree with you. I just don't entertain the illusion that adding the hate crime component to rape trials would lead to different outcomes. Somewhat analogously, most of the white police killings of blacks seem like hate crimes, but as it is the officers don't even stand trial for murder.
I think you should reach out to her. You seem like the kind of hepcat whose company she would certainly enjoy.
The 10,000-year clock. Now that is brilliant. Philly fans can consult it to learn they are a mere 9,993 years from an NBA championship.
I think the NBA should threaten to never allow a Charlotte team to win a championship. Oh wait...
Of course the “members” abstained... duh!
A hate crime is defined as “motivated by... sexual prejudice.” Of course that is true of many rapes, but in many cases it would either be untrue or impossible to prove.
Him getting fired is just part of the process. It was either that or trade him for a bag of shit to be named later.
I don't know. I kind of feel like if more and more individual crimes end up labeled as hate crimes, then the concept loses its meaning and its impact.
I get your point, but would it really help the situation if all rapes were also prosecuted as hate crimes? For one thing, they require separate trials.
Yes, that's why many people go to prison voluntarily. That plus the ritual floggings.
That's a goddamn crayfish. I want my $8.75 back!
“STACK is BACK in da HOUSE!”