yousayclamato, joe

Wow, he totally looks like a guy we want making decisions about women's bodies.

Not only that, but I heard there’s actually a Starbucks installed in a far corner of his box. They let him use the bathroom if he promises to return the key.

Fair enough. I also have known a couple of people who were taking antibiotics long-term for Lyme, and it turned out that some of their symptoms were actually a reaction to the medicine - which wreaks havoc in its own right.

I had Lyme and it is all too real. I also have had a fair number of people roll their eyes when I said I had it. Not helpful.

I figured “doner” was a cross between “donut” and “boner.”

A tin can plated in 24k gold and filled to the brim with American-made, Grade-A horseshit.

It was a joke, dipshit.

I too admire how the virulence of the rant far outstrips the actual offense. At risk of aging myself, I went to see The Who in 1982 because they made such a huge flippin’ deal about it being their “Farewell Forever, Motherfuckers!” tour. Ok, maybe that wasn’t the official name. Anyway: 1982! Now here it is THIRTY-FIVE

This is silly. You can't get pregnant from a mosquito bite.

I’m with you. When someone like Shandling is gone the world feels like a less liveable place.

One may not agree with Mr. Irons, but it’s still not appropriate to call him a “fartbag.”

Why are we not surprised you’re on the wrong side of “White vs. Immigrant.”

This creep should be checked into Mt. Cyanide.

I just planted the seed?

I have a stack of “Playboy” mags from the mid to late 60s (“honest honey, they’re for the retro ads!”). Some of the interviews are pretty amazing - Baldwin, Sammy Davis Jr. (much more political than I ever imagined), Jim Brown (utterly fired up), and so on.

I guess the balls in my court.


Semenly so...

Along with “50 shades” and “Iacocca” (the latter being the slightly more erotic of the two), the other book I see a lot in thrift stores and rummage sales is Lance Armstrong’s “It’s not about the bike,” a title that is perhaps more humorous than originally intended.

Condoms could be related to being a mule, no?