yousayclamato, joe

Speaking as a lifelong sufferer, I agree this type of skin-picking compulsion is profoundly difficult to break. There’s also a deep feeling of shame associated with it, so Tom I applaud your courage in raising the topic. I have spoken with various doctors and therapists about it over the years, and I think the basic

Sticky situation indeed...

Clearly, there is a vas deferens between an item like this and scientifically accepted safe sex practices.

On the one hand I hate Pizza Hut and this catalog of items and all hypothetical men-child who might potentially buy and/or wear them. On the other it’s a little annoying that you think the ONLY reason we men-childs might buy or wear something is because we think it might help us get you into bed. That is only true of

Liberal ladies have vaginas. Carly Fiorina has a bear trap.

There is actually a term for the sort of gentrified-hipster sheen that a business like this imparts to an otherwise pleasant city neighborhood: Mast Urbation.

Clearly no one is bullish on Jeb’s candidacy.

Rose got more hits. Bonds was far and away the better hitter.

Seriously... seems like they got what they deserved.

I would rather have a doctor bungle around with my carburetor than have an auto mechanic muck around with my innards.

Me thinketh thou doth protethteth too much.

Usually a whole suckling pig roasted over charcoal. They say the head is the best part.

I would buy it and feed it to a pig. Then I would kill the pig, roast it Filippino style, and shove it up the pope’s ass.

That's easy. To electrocutificate her litigious ass.

Do Bee or not Do Bee, that is the muthafucken question.

Race hate, less killing

Maybe that was just an innocent reminder to fix the lift down at the garage. Why always assume the worst?

Agreed, the headline is incredibly misleading.

Correction: His name is Chadman Bosewick, not Chadwick Boseman. Also it’s the late Thurgood Marshall’s fault that he didn’t more closely resemble a hunky actor.

It's touching that she immediately refuted the malicious charges (28 years later).