You mean like the jerkwads filming women on the submarine?
You mean like the jerkwads filming women on the submarine?
“Missile technician” indeed.
Apparently Carson warned her not to become impregnated by a dinosaur, despite what the evolutionists may urge.
If you had actually listened to her music, and with an open mind, you wouldn’t be copping so much negativity. She’s incredibly talented, and creating art according to her own vision vs. letting other people define her.
Trump just gets me... he KNOWS me. In the biblical sense. Book of revelation.
He’s also the inspiration for the holiday known as f’Estevez.
It's people like this Ms. Carney who are the monster at the end of the motherfucken book.
“Just how broad we need to be.” Unintentionally vaguely humorous word choice.
I don't totally recall.
Liberals = ISIS though, so that would be too logical for flaming shitbag coated in delicious Cheetoh dust.
Not surprised about the rest of the cast, but what on earth is Luke Wilson doing in this tripe?
With the right material, she was a great actress. “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf” is a brilliant performance. She’s also superb in “Cat on a hot tin roof.”
What you say is true. But think of the poor, half-drunk cop stuck at the end of an endless queue for the urinals. Flash the piece, budge the line, know what I'm sayin?
I know... Just because I drunkenly hooked up with him once doesn't mean I want him calling over and over.
#tigerblood #winning #notwinning #lostalongfuckingtimeago
If you’re not man enough to die drunkenly in a flaming car wreck, you ain’t man enough to be hoisting that there Bud Light Lime (Cincinnati Bengals edition), sailor.
Allow me to disagree. Announcing to the world that, “hey, guess what, my sexy wife actually knows how to read!” is obnoxious. It’s kind of like when people used to go on about how “articulate” Obama is.
There was something about his “wild berry jam” that didn't sit right with me. Especially after the testicular enlargement.
Bitch started out crunky, now he just be cranky.
Little known fact: Cel-Ray Green was Bernie Sanders’ crunk persona back in the day.