
I agree, their anti-science bullshit is a perfect expression of their priviledged lives. Of course they don’t believe in western medicine, they haven’t experienced life without it.

They don’t, actually. They (and most anti-vaxxers) are blessed with good health and surrounded by other healthy and well off people and they are pretty insulated from disease. That's why they can be so blind. Privilege. It's a hell of a drug.

Yup totally works.

The American “tradition” of blackface/minstrelsy has been exported around the world for almost 200 years.

No, but you should consider the implications of the name for the child. They have to live in the world outside of your ego.

Is that Kai you know Kai Ryssdal? Because I fully support you naming your children after NPR personalities. You can follow Kai with a Michelle (MEE-chell) and then an Ofeibea Quist-Arcton (gotta go with the whole name on that one)

Now THAT’s “All You Can Eat”!

We are not suppose to be north Florida! That's Wisconsin's job damnit!

I was bullied a lot as a kid and it’s made me the weird comeback queen. If you’re the person who is obnoxious enough to think saying a not okay thing is okay to say then you better be prepared for me to make it weird. It’s only going to bother you and make others think you’re a terrible person and I’m mental. I don’t

“Emergency! Help! There’s something desperately wrong with my baby!” girl get pragnent? How is babby formed?

This is SUCH utter bullshit. I was in the Army for twenty years. All us females carried our own fucking gear ourselves AND did the fucking 12k. The mythical “300-lb”troop with gear here is lying or a bigot, or both. And *I* AND another 120-lb. soldier carried the fucking SAW. The MP company we worked with had nothing

I think people who take their coffee with skim milk are the most mentally disturbed of all. That shit tastes like despair and starvation.

I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

Jesus, take the meal.

Strangers are only 10% of child sexual predators. Most predators are someone known and trusted by the family of victims. This could happen in 15 seconds to your kid at your own backyard BBQ while you are trying to flip steaks. Or it could be one of his/her coaches. Or babysitters. Or family friends or even members of

Just remember that when you see that bag on the bar, they probably *don’t* have it on tap...

It’s not really about that, though, is it? No one here is saying that you can’t have an opinion, offer advice, or generally comment. However, if someone who has lived through the experience reacts to your comment by saying you may not have the whole picture, the best course of action is to sit down and listen. Or you

Well, you may be an amazing parent (and I really hope you are), but frankly you fucking suck at one of the most basic human skills: shutting up when it has nothing to do with you.

All due respect to these women conceived via rape but I don’t have one fuck to give about their opinions on this matter. I care about the women who are looking at being forced to carry their rapist’s babies and give birth to them. Those are the women this is about. Screw this asshole and these women for thinking their