Ostentatiously Polysyllabical

Being from Nawlins, this guy is used to drowning in sorrow.

Buried the lede, yo. He went to SLU and is now doing vending machines? So he’ll have those college loans paid off by.....2148?

Why bother winning and spending on payroll when, independent of such, the team’s value will continue to rise? Might as well go sub $50 mill/season and pocket the difference since the the franchise worth will still—inexplicably—rise meteorically. No point in trying to win when the real goal—profit—is independent of

So LaVar and all 3 uncles don’t have day jobs? They all have enough scratch to fly back and forth to the EU/AP multiple times a year and live in hotels for months at a time? I had no idea the family was so wealthy.

it’s just run of the mill corruption present on both sides of the aisle

Wow, thanks. I read that as “skim ask the bag”, and couldn’t figure out what a bag might know that I dont.

I believe CCR warned us about his rise, too.

Weber got grilled in the post-game wrap up about that wrister.

Too bad this isn’t the summer Olympics. I bet Team OAR would destroy the field in kayaking, canoeing, and white-water whatever.

How does a person who’s completely forgotten an event for ~2.5 weeks suddenly remember it, and also lots of specific details about who did and said what?

Every time I get ejected I make sure it’s late in the game

Way to go off on a tangent. You’re secant an answer to a difficult question; where he sines is anyone’s guess.

France had better be at least -100,000 odds to win Group C.

I hate this post with the fury of Ron Jeremy’s man sausage.

-1 after the first fou holes

problems that arose from his sex addiction

Or a vial of HCN and some WFI....

+1 151 drinking 151

In all these stories, the lede is always buried: Geno Smith is still employed in the NFL?

He’d fail the pre-fight drug test in spectacular fashion. I’m pretty sure his urine is pure liquid THC.